Research For The Construction Industry

TLF Research has been developing customer research programmes for more than 20 years, working with organisations throughout the construction supply chain.

Whether your customers are specifiers, main contractors, distributors, merchants, installers, end users, or all of the above, we can tailor a research solution that will help you to understand and meet their needs.

Construction is a complex sector, and most suppliers have a mix of customers with completely different expectations, both transactional and non-transactional. Successful organisations ensure they understand all these relationships. With high-value clients and longer-term projects, getting detailed feedback from a single client can be powerful.

We'll work with you to identify key customer types, develop the best methodology to engage them, and ensure you get the insight you need without over-surveying.

What we do

As a full service customer research agency, we can help you with every stage of your journey, from planning and research design, to creative communication and taking action. Our role is more than collecting data and delivering insight; we're here to help with any aspect of improving the customer experience.

Find out more

Construction Supply Chain Services

Transactional & Non-Transactional Customer Research
Detailed Qualitative Depth Interviews
Key account reviews
Project milestone surveys
Competitive standing
Customer journey mapping
Service design & Action Planning
Customer centricity
End user research
Research Result Communications
Benchmarking & Target Setting

Construction: Customer Research - Who to interview?


Watch this Construction sector webinar on demand now.

Architects, specifiers, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, the list goes on - a common challenge for customer research within the construction sector is deciding who to interview. Who can give you the actionable insight you need to drive positive change?

While the right answer to this question will depend on the exact nature of your business and its relationships, we’ve seen some common patterns with our clients in the construction sector and these could help inform decisions about your research.

Debs Binks talks through her experiences of the sector and identifies the key factors to consider when choosing who to interview.

Register to watch the webinar now.

Watch Webinar

Ask Us For Ideas

Satisfaction levels stagnating? Low response rates on customer surveys? Struggling to drive change? Contact us for ideas on how customer research can help your business.

Using NPS In The Construction Sector

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a popular measure in many sectors, and is often treated as a de facto standard in customer research, one simple methodology that works the same for everyone. If only it were that simple!

If you work in the construction sector, there are some important considerations that determine whether to use NPS as your measure, and how you should use it. In this brief article, we detail the key things to bear in mind.

Read Now

Who We Work With

We're proud to work with a wide range of organisations throughout the construction supply chain.

Are you speaking to the right people?

Companies often default to sending surveys to contacts on their database, over-researching regular contacts while key decision makers and influencers are ignored.

  • Do you need to talk to specifiers as well as customers?

  • Have you included all decision makers and influencers?

  • Is your survey methodology getting to the right people?

How We Work

Strategic, tactical, & ad-hoc research

We understand that not all organisations need our full service offer and we're happy to be able to work on standalone projects to meet your needs. These include:

  • CX strategy design

  • Research planning

  • Questionnaire design

  • Data collection only (whether face-to-face or by post, telephone, email, or SMS)

  • Depth interviews and key account reviews

  • Analysis and reporting (including validating existing research)

  • Communications for feeding back survey results to customers and colleagues

  • Workshop facilitation for action planning

  • Customer journey mapping

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Get in touch to discuss your research plans.