Service Design
There’s no point doing customer research unless you’re prepared to do something with the findings. We can’t tell you what to do, or how to do it, but we can help in the process of developing action plans and combining customer insight with the experience of your people to kickstart the design of new experiences.
We've been delivering customer experience research programmes since 1996. We've worked with 1,000s of organisations across the country, large and small, and in a wide range of sectors. Our planning and service design team will help make sure your research findings make an impact and drive change.
You need this if:
You need to get buy-in from your colleagues.
Your organisation is struggling to turn insight into action.
You want to build customer-centred experiences.
What we do:
We can help you make sure that your products and experiences are shaped by a deep understanding of customer needs.
Internal communications
what you get:
Effective workshops
Beyond simply generating ideas, we can help plan and facilitate workshops that are structured to deliver momentum.
Journey Planning
Effective workshops to map current and ideal customer journeys with customers and colleagues.
Actionable insight
Tools such as Service Blueprints will help to map the customer view to your internal process view.
Behaviour change
Our creative team tell stories with research to bring customers to life, and support culture change.
Get in touch
Get in touch to find out more about service design and how we can help you gain an in-depth understanding of your customers today.
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