Housing Deep Dive: Index of Consumer Sentiment

How Social Renters Compare.

Our Index of Consumer Sentiment is based on a cross-section of UK consumers. They’re from all parts of the country, aged from 18 to 80+, and have a wide range of social and economic circumstances.

Since Q4 2022 we have asked people to tell us the nature of their home tenure, and in this special report we’re going to dig into the differences (and similarities) we’ve seen between social renters and consumers in general.

Download the report now.

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The results in this report show that, compared to other consumers, social renters…

  • …have lower consumer sentiment

  • …are much more worried about being able to afford the basics

  • …are much more worried about being able to pay for almost everything, with the exception of their rent

  • …have lower financial resilience

  • …are more likely to worry about money and their own health

In their own words

It's clear from this report that consumer sentiment among social renters is lower than general consumers, but what really brings home the challenges they are facing is reading through some of their comments (included in the report).

My financial situation is on a knife-edge. I have just about enough to live on, but I can't afford extravagances or a holiday.

We are doing ok at the moment, but it could all change if our energy bill keeps rising.

I cannot afford the basics, I have a high level of debt, I'm a single parent household and worry about every knock on the door.

While we have no debt we struggle to make ends meet. We don’t use the heating, we don’t buy any luxuries and buy cheaper food or reduced items.

Finding that my wages just cover rent, council tax and bills leaving very little money for anything else.

Download the full report now and let us know if you have any questions.

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