Research For IT Services Providers

In a fast-paced sector such as IT, it can be difficult to keep up with client demands. At TLF Research, we specialise in customer experience research to help overcome this. Our proven track record of improving clients’ customer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty has helped a range of IT service providers and MSPs to become more customer centric in this rapidly changing environment.

With a dedicated B2B research team, we can help ensure your organisation is meeting the needs of your clients. We understand the complex needs of technical people with technical problems and our research enables you to not only measure the customer experience, but also gives you the insight to take action and make positive changes for your clients (and for your bottom line).

Get in touch to discuss how we can help.

What we do

As a full service customer research agency we can help you with every stage of your journey, from planning and research design, to creative communication and taking action.

Find out more

IT Services Research

Tactical End User Surveys
Strategic Relationship Surveys
Programme Design
Qualitative Depth Interviews
Lapsed Client and Exit Surveys
Acquisition Surveys
Key Account Reviews
Customer Success and Centricity
Customer Journey Mapping
Culture Change and Communications
Benchmarking & Target Setting
Training and Workshops

Measuring Customer Satisfaction in the IT Services Sector


Watch this IT Services sector webinar on-demand now.

In this webinar we discuss customer satisfaction within the IT services / MSP sector and how to measure overall client satisfaction - including decision makers and end users. Their needs and customer requirements are very different, it is important that a research programme captures all the relevant feedback to help inform decisions on how to increase your client satisfaction.

TLF Research Client Director, Greg Roche will show you how customer research can give you the right feedback from all your clients' stakeholders, and how the right balance of tactical and strategic surveys will deliver the insight that will allow you to take action.

Register to watch this webinar now.

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Ask Us For Ideas

Satisfaction levels stagnating? Struggling to drive change? Contact us for ideas on how customer research can help your business.

Using NPS in the IT Services Sector

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is probably the most widespread metric in the world of customer research, and a popular one in the IT Services sector. It’s a good fit for the industry, but there are some specific considerations that organisations in this field should think about when choosing NPS for their surveys. It’s important to look beyond the measure itself to ensure that your programme gives you the insight you need to drive change.

In this article we’ll discuss some best practices.

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Who We've Worked With

We work with a wide range of customer focused organisations in many sectors.

Managed IT Service Providers – Driving Actions From Your Client Surveys


Watch this IT Services sector webinar on-demand now.

Client surveys are an essential tool for any Managed Service Provider wanting to improve their customer experience, but how do you turn this customer feedback into business change and increased profitability?

TLF Research Client Director, Greg Roche will show you how to ensure your customer research drives actions within your business, changes staff behaviours and embeds a customer centric culture. In this practical webinar you’ll leave with plenty of best practice ideas, useful techniques, and real examples within the IT sector of how customer satisfaction can increase the profitability of your business.

Register to watch this webinar now.

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Strategic, tactical, & ad-hoc research

We understand that not all organisations need our full service offer and we're happy to be able to work on standalone projects to meet your needs. These include:

  • CX Strategy design

  • Research planning

  • Questionnaire design

  • Data Collection only (telephone, online by email or SMS, face to face and postal)

  • Depth interviews and key account reviews

  • Analysis and Reporting (Including validating existing research)

  • Communications for feeding back survey results to customers and colleagues

  • Workshop facilitation for action planning etc,

  • Customer journey mapping

Get in touch

Get In Touch

We'd love to have a friendly chat about your business and share our knowledge of research within the IT Services Sector. Whether you're new to customer research and would like to pick our brains, or if you have a project in mind and would like some ball-park costs, please get in touch.