Customer Insight Magazine
Spring 2023
In this issue we delve into the complex world of customer relationships in various sectors. This issue features a range of articles on how to better understand and engage with customers, from the construction industry to energy suppliers and social landlords.
We explore the decisions that are critical for businesses in the construction sector when it comes to customer research, how social landlords can involve their tenants in decision making, and how energy suppliers can repair relationships with customers.
We've also got features on the various roles played by customer service teams and the impact they can have on customers, 'nudges' in behavioral science, and the impact that knowing about Net Promoter Score (NPS) has on customer ratings.
Read more in the cx insights hub
There's even more articles to read from our Customer Insight magazine issues in our CX Insights Hub. All designed to inform, stimulate debate and sometimes to provoke, so get searching!