The TLF Research team

We're a friendly bunch, so find out a bit more about us and get in touch if you'd like a chat. We're always up for a conversation about improving the customer experience!



Our directors have a wealth of experience in customer research and lead from the front.

  • Jude Nottingham

    Managing Director

  • Nigel Hill

    Chairman and Founder

    • Mark Mccall

      Operations Director

    • Greg Roche

      Client Director

    • Jody Hardman

      Field Director

    • Jo Wainwright

      Quality and Compliance Director

      • Max Lee

        Technology Director

        • Rob Ward

          Creative Director

        • Keith Roberts

          Financial Director

        Send us a brief

        We'd love to discuss your customer research with you. We can help you with every stage of your journey so drop us a message and a member of our team will get back to you.